
Synaxe is committed to the Responsible Digital Label

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Maëva Gameiro
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Eco gestures

Synaxe's eco-responsible digital approach

In our digital eco-responsibility approach, Synaxe is committed to the Label Responsible digital.

The digital revolution is causing upheaval in the business world, but it is important to remember that digital technology is not an intangible industry. Unfortunately, the environmental challenges associated with this transformation are often overlooked. Today, digital technology represents between 3 and 4% of global greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and 2.5% of the national carbon footprint (2023 study - ARCEP). The ecological footprint of digital technology is likely to worsen: increased energy consumption, increased GHG emissions, increased soil and air pollution, depletion of non-renewable resources, accelerated loss of biodiversity, and increasingly complex management of the extraction and disposal of equipment, to name just a few examples.

This is why it is crucial to promote a responsible digital approach, focused on continuous improvement, aimed at reducing the ecological, economic and social impact of information and communication technologies (ICTS). Our Dune solutions respect as much as possible the solutions recommended by this label.

As part of our actions in this area, we decided to publish the advice we give to each new Synaxe newcomer.

Let's adopt eco-gestures together in the use of our digital tools on a daily basis

Opt for resource-efficient file formats : When saving files in your software, choose file formats that consume fewer resources. For example, opt for more efficient compression formats for images and videos.

When sending emails with attachments, try to compress or reduce the size of the email. This saves storage space and reduces bandwidth consumption.

Promote eco-responsible software and services : When choosing software or online services, find out about their environmental policies and their commitment to sustainability. Choose solutions that focus on energy efficiency and carbon reduction.

Use online software : When possible, use online software rather than installing local versions. Online software reduces the consumption of your computer's resources because the processing is done remotely on servers.

Use open source software : Open source software often has an active community that focuses on optimizing performance and reducing resource consumption. Go for open source solutions when possible.

Close unused programs : When using multiple programs simultaneously, close the ones you are not using. This frees up system resources and reduces the power consumption of your computer.

Ideas for concrete actions to promote digital inclusion and the employability of all employees

Training and skills development : Offer digital skills training and development programs to all employees, with an emphasis on skills that are essential to their workplace. Make sure that these courses are accessible, adapted to different skill levels and offer individual support if necessary.

Awareness-raising and communication : Organize awareness-raising sessions on digital inclusion, highlighting the benefits and opportunities it offers. Share available resources, tools, and e-learning platforms to encourage employees to explore and improve their digital skills.

Access to equipment and connectivity : Ensure that all employees have equitable access to computer equipment, software, and a reliable internet connection. If necessary, set up equipment loan or financial support schemes to help employees obtain the necessary equipment.

Mentoring and tutoring : Set up mentoring or tutoring programs, where employees with strong digital skills can support and guide those who need help. Encourage exchanges and knowledge sharing between employees, thus promoting a culture of mutual learning.

Adapting tools and interfaces : Ensure that the tools and digital interfaces used in the organization are accessible to everyone. Consider collaborators' accessibility needs (for example, by providing zoom options, video subtitles, intuitive navigation, etc.) to ensure seamless use for everyone.

Encouraging experimentation and learning : Create a work environment that encourages employees to experiment with new technology, learn from peers, and share knowledge. Organize internal events, workshops, or technology challenges to stimulate innovation and collaborative learning.

Integration into digital projects : Actively involve all employees, regardless of their digital skills, in the organization's digital projects. Encourage their participation and provide them with opportunities to contribute, recognizing their efforts and valuing their expertise.

Assessment and recognition : Regularly assess the digital skills of employees and recognize their progress. This can be done through certifications, digital badges, promotions, or professional development opportunities.

And you, what are your digital eco-gestures?